Adventures of a Sailor Girl, Nic Douglass, provided this fantastic commentary of Romanza, the Rapido 60, on Day 3 of Hamilton Island Race Week 2018 (21 August).
The action and sense of excitement is augmented by Nic commentating from the chase boat, with the camera rolling.
Check it out from 24.36 mins to 27.30 minutes.
The action starts relatively slowly before Nic declares, "These guys (Romanza) are going to start ripping when they pop out here". And Romanza does not disappoint!!
Celebrate the Australian Arrival of the Rapido 60
To check out these Australian Arrival Specials on the Rapido 60 (USD70K of options), Rapido 50 (USD50K of options) and Rapido Racer/Charter, click here or email
Limited time only.
Rapido 60 built by Triac Composites
The Rapido 60 Trimaran is built exclusively by Triac Composites.